Established in 2004 

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Company History

Company History

Our Mission

When it comes to technologies, some entrepreneurs "talk the talk" with fancy websites selling every and anything under the sun. Most know little if anything about the products that they sell and few have ever installed the products. 

At Signals Unlimited we dedicated our efforts to products that we have had a lifetime passion for, years of experience working with and satisfaction of knowing that our products improve the lives of everyday people. 

Signals Unlimited founded in 2004 was formed to assist television transition from old school analog TV to the new exciting world of DTV. The antennas at that time were just rebranded old school in design. They did work, but they were too large and ugly for the average home and an eyesore to the neighborhood. 

The compact DTV-2D fiberglass antenna was our answer for performance and aesthetics. We designed it, built, and installed it for thousands of mostly very happy customers.

In 2010 we realized that weak cellphone signal is a serious and growing problem for our antenna customers, so we took on a line of cellphone boosters built in the USA by Wilson Electronics. We have seen that business improve and grow to the point where almost anyone that uses a cellphone in any building can improve their cellphone call reliable, and experience fast downloads on their smartphones with LTE 4g and now 5g. These new cell technologies are so fast that most users are able to cancel their expensive internet services.

Now with the assistance of a nationwide network of sales reps, installers, and full support from the best in the business Wlson Electronics, we are able to take our business ethics and knowhow to all who appreciate old fashion service and guaranteed results to homes and businesses of any size, as we continue to "walk the walk."


Jan M. Strock Sr.

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